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Windows to the Father's Heart
Online Courses (6)
Windows to the Father's Heart (36)
Audio Collections (4)
Audio Books (1)
Steven Trullinger
Steve Trullinger
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Windows to the Father's Heart
Window of Creativity - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba created us to be creative!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Infinitude - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba’s infinite heart will continue to fascinate us forever!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Humor - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba has a “funny bone!”
Steven Trullinger
Window of Risk - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba invites us all to say “Goodbye!” to our comfort zones!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Weird - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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You have been born(-again) into the “Weird” family!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Encouragement - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba has plans for your encouragement and delights when you trust in him!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Compassion- Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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There is incredible power embedded in godly compassion!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Symmetry- Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba’s opinion about what constitutes “perfection” is delightfully different than ours!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Separation- Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba is able to use separations to grow us and teach us profound lessons!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Discovery- Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba delights when our curiosity leads us to discoveries!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Freedom - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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When you receive more of the freedom God has purposed for you, he receives more blessing!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Voice - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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How much power does your voice have?
Steven Trullinger
Window of Generations - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Take a joy-filled and adventurous exploration of the Father’s reason for inventing generations!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Others - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Our Father displays amazing love as he helps us to mature and grow in “others-focus.”
Steven Trullinger
Window of The Future - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Father, how important is my future to you?
Steven Trullinger
Window of Turning - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba wants fathers and mothers to be in godly relationship with their children, with the affection that He carries in his own heart for his children!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Pride - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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There is a good form of pride - in fact it is so good, it can’t be measured!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Thrill - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Abba created you with the capacity to be thrilled!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Legacy - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Your family legacy is designed by Abba to be a blessing!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Unity - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Jesus was (and is!) passionate about all of his disciples becoming one!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Support - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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The Father has an intense desire to strongly support you!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Curiosity - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Curiosity is a gift from Abba!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Decision - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Your Father is a decision-maker and you are made in His image!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Adoption - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Confirm with certainty your own sonship in the Kingdom of God!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Fun - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Be transformed into a joy-filled “laughter- factory!”
Steven Trullinger
Window of Authority - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Father, how much authority do I have, and why?
Steven Trullinger
Window of Pleasure - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Father, how do I give you pleasure?
Steven Trullinger
Window of Eternity - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Love demands eternity!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Value - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Your value in your Father’s sight is beyond measure!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Possible - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Father, can I really influence what is possible?
Steven Trullinger
Window of Trust - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Discover why He trusts you, the “apple of His eye!”
Steven Trullinger
Window of Time - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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God is not outside of time; He is much more amazing than that!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Choice - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Your Father is a decision-maker, and he has given you the ability to make choices.
Steven Trullinger
Window of Affection - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Whether you need a kiss, an encouragement, or an affirmation from Abba, you can be sure that He wants to meet that need and shower you with affection every day!
Steven Trullinger
Window of Influence - Windows to the Father's Heart Series
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Genuine influence is not a “badge” of superiority; rather it is a fruit of trust!
Steven Trullinger